
Weight Loss Counseling

Research shows you will lose more weight and more fat than muscle on weight loss medications when you follow a healthy diet plan with the right amount of calories and macronutrients. You will meet with one of our preferred dietitian nutritionists to help you determine how many calories you need and introduce our recommended diet programs; the fast weight loss diet with meal replacements or our signature meal plan diet with 1200-2000 calorie meal plans. We offer the Contoured Body Diet App at no cost when you are on one of our medication or body contouring membership programs which includes all of the meal plans offered in both programs, with a food tracking option. An initial visit is 1 hour and follow up visits are 30 minutes.


We have offered the fast weight loss diet with meal replacements in our practice for years with amazing success rates. Patients on this program lose 13-20 pounds the first month, 7-15 the second month and 1-2 pounds a week thereafter.


Our signature meal plan with 1200-2000 calorie meal plans are high in protein and moderate in carbohydrates and fat for optimal fat loss. Patients on this program lose about 1-2 pounds a week.


These visits will most likely be covered by your insurance plan. There is no cost for the  Contoured Diet meal planning/food tracking app which features the Fast Weight Loss Diet Program Meal Plans and Signature Meal Plans when you are on one of our medication or body contouring membership programs. If insurance does not cover your visits we can review self-pay rates with you.


We also offer nutrition testing including metabolism testing with our top of the line metabolism testing device to assess how efficient you are burning calories and micronutrient testing to assess if you are deficient in vitamins and minerals. In addition we offer B12 and B12/Lipo injections to assist the weight loss process.

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