
Metabolism Testing


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Why Choose Metabolism Testing?

  • Measures Resting Energy Expenditure (REE/RMR)
  • Determines caloric requirements
  • FDA cleared
  • Unique printout for a clear explanation of your results

Metabolism testing measures the oxygen that the body consumes. This information can calculate a patient’s Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), commonly referred to as a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Knowing a patient’s RDD allows physicians and dietitian nutritionists to screen for abnormally low metabolic rates and pinpoint the precise caloric intake required for weight loss, maintenance, or weight gain. Your unique metabolism will also help your dietitian nutritionist determine the amount of calories and macronutrients you need to lose fat weight not lean muscle and treat or prevent weight related disease such as; metabolic syndrome, sleep disorders, and diabetes.

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Metabolism Testing is measure by the KORR metabolism device which features a mixing chamber; considered the “Gold Standard” for Indirect Calorimetry. In the past, this system has been complicated and expensive, making it only practical for ICU’s and research departments. KORR advancements in technology make this method feasible for the typical practitioner.


ReeVue by KORR directly measures the concentration of oxygen breathed out by each patient. The patient merely breathes through a simple mouthpiece as all the exhaled air is collected and analyzed. Because there is a direct correlation between oxygen consumed and calories burned (4.813 calories for every milliliter of oxygen consumed), an accurate measurement of oxygen consumption is an effective measurement of calorie consumption.


The KORR Metabolism System uses a one-way valve in a disposabl mouthpiece. This mouthpiece allows the patient to draw in fresh room air with each inspiratory breath and eliminates concerns about cross contamination. 

The disposable is thrown away and there is no need to clean equipment between each patient.

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How Do I Prepare?

Metabolism testing is painless and relaxing. For 10 minutes you sit back in a comfortable chair, and breathe through a simple mouthpiece as all the exhaled air is collected and analyzed. Your results will be printed right after the test. You will know if your metabolism is low or high and how many calories you need every day to lose a specific amount of weight each week.

  • Do not eat or drink anything for at least 4 hours before your scheduled appointment except for water.
  • Do not exercise for at least 4 hours before your scheduled appointment
  • Do not drink caffeine or nutrition supplements for 4 hours before your scheduled appointment
  • Do not use nicotine for 1 hour before your scheduled appointment. You can continue to take prescription medications.

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My husband and I saw Christine. We loved her. I think people are looking for a miracle and to be told something spectacular. She’s a nutritionist! Her job is to teach you how to eat a balanced meal, how many calories, carbs, etc. Can you do this on your own or by looking on the internet? Yes. But apparantly ppl haven’t. Her job is to tell you what how to put together a decent meal, what’s beneficial and not, and have you check in for accountability.


Have always had a good experience with the behavioral health services provided by this group. They accept my insurance, the practitioners are qualified, and I have never had any problems with scheduling, billing, customer service, etc. I have also been treated well during the current Coronavirus pandemic. Cannot comment on the nutrition services as I have not used them.


My wife Carol watched me lose 40 pounds in three months. She had also witnessed my significant change over the past year on maintaining a maintenance program with outstanding success. This success has provided increased energy, and what is more important, it has greatly reduced my medication intake. This is significant in that I was diagnosed with diabetes years back. Carol, seeing the tremendous success and ease decided to join the program and lost over 35 pounds with similar results.


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